Source code for transloadit.template

from . import optionbuilder

[docs]class Template(optionbuilder.OptionBuilder): """ Object representation of a new Template to be created. :Attributes: - transloadit (<translaodit.client.Transloadit>): An instance of the Transloadit class. - name (str): The name of the template to be created. :Constructor Args: - transloadit (<translaodit.client.Transloadit>) - name (str): The name of the template. - options (Optional[dict]): Params to send along with the template. Please see for available options. """ def __init__(self, transloadit, name, options=None): super(Template, self).__init__(options) self.transloadit = transloadit = name
[docs] def create(self): """ Save/Submit the template to the Transloadit server. """ data = self.get_options() data.update({'name':}) return'/templates', data=data)